Mosquitos. what the fuck are they about? Not only am I sick, stressed and heartbroken, I have to endure a billion mosquitos sucking my blood and zipping past my ears! It's like they are sucking the life out of me.
Not that there is much life in me right now. I don't open myself up to people very often and tell them how I really am, feel, but I did yesterday and they didn't run away screaming, they offered to help me. Someone offered to help me. That means a lot, because right now I feel so alone. Sitting in hospital with no visitors makes you realise how alone you are. And perhaps I AM emotionally broken, and I DO need fixing. But finding help for that isn't easy at all.
Anyway it's only the female mosquitos that bite, they need the protein to produce eggs. Everyone is just trying to procreate, and whilst doing it they get smacked into a wall. Sounds familiar huh?
well, no visitors could be because nobody knows which hospital to visit you at... ;)
Angel dear, you must move past those misanthropic thougths which only serve to pull you down, when what you really need is to get up and start believing in yourself and the future.
The future is in the sun, not in the dark. Please come out now while you can.
-Gentleman Bob
Been in similar situation...
Can you feel which people (including friends and family) leaves you drained from energy and who doesn't?
Tell the ones you who drains you that you need to lay low for a while and spend some more time with the ones that gives you energy.
Sort all other tasks and things in your life the same way...
Force your brain out of vicious thinking cycles... And focus on positive things...
...and you will soon recover to the happy you that you really are...
Kisses from another great man! :-D
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