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So I fly on tuesday. The moving men come monday, the cats go sunday, visa to be picked up tomorrow, same leaving drinks with work. I am packing as fast as I can, but there just seems to still be stuff EVERYWHERE.Danes don't seem very helpful (apart from you Doc ) and rather shy away from offering to help. So I am all alone packing, doing paperwork, still working from home, and a little tiny bit stressed out. I'm gonna need that drink on friday!One of my friends told me the other day he was also fed up with selfish Danes. He even thinks I won't come "home" again...Right now I'm so tired and everything seems a mess... I'm about to drive to my friends house with the contents of my freezer, and then go say goodbye to my language school. Oh no i forgot to pick up the dollars I ordered! Tomorrow I guess!!!This is crazy. Moving life in one week. At the moment I don't recommend it!
So flights are now booked. I fly ouit October 30th.. next tuesday. Panicking a bit now, haven't much time or energy to pack. Have leased my apartment, sorting out all the visa documentation today has been crazy. And now I'm starting to think, of all the people I will miss, now peopel have started to say they will miss ME! I mean it's only 6 months- and it will fly by, but I will miss people. And my cats :(But it's all for the good if I come back a better person, right? And I intened to see some of asia, hardly seen any of it- so I can use hanoi as a base to see as much as I can :)Can't wait to eat proper food again- getting fed up with burgerking/mc d's now!All I need to do now is find my home in Vietnam..oh and pack these darn boxes!!! Where are all these people that call themselves my friends now when I need them???!
If you had told me this time last week that I would have been packing my life into boxes to move to Vietnam- I would have probably laughed at you. But here I am in a frenzied packing spree, and organising an apartment in Hanoi! Life is funny like that.Am I scared. Not at all. Should I be scared? Maybe...I will miss my cats, and I hate giving them away, they are like family to me, and they know something is going on, but theyre not quite sure what...I know life in Hanoi is going to be different, but I am ready for chnage, and I need to change myself and my outlook on life. I need to find myself :)
Just back from Hanoi and I loved the city so much. It has such a nice peaceful feeling and the people are so nice.
So I have decided to move there for 6 months, and if I can access my blog (this blogsite is banned from vietnam) I will blog my experience and leave pretty pictures :)
I need to shake myself and life up, and I need to get away and think about where I am going and what I am doing. Where better than to do this in an exciting city I love.
For the next 6 months I plan to take good care of myself, and my health and work hard. I have a lot of thinking to do! I need to develop more as a person, and perhaps learn more peace and less stress the buddist way.Wish me luck!