Danes don't seem very helpful (apart from you Doc ) and rather shy away from offering to help. So I am all alone packing, doing paperwork, still working from home, and a little tiny bit stressed out. I'm gonna need that drink on friday!
One of my friends told me the other day he was also fed up with selfish Danes. He even thinks I won't come "home" again...
Right now I'm so tired and everything seems a mess... I'm about to drive to my friends house with the contents of my freezer, and then go say goodbye to my language school. Oh no i forgot to pick up the dollars I ordered! Tomorrow I guess!!!
This is crazy. Moving life in one week. At the moment I don't recommend it!
Hey Angel. Good luck with your move - wish I could do the same. Hope your house is open for visitors ;-)Plan to spend at least a month i Asia soon.
And yes, you will be missed. ;-)
PS. Do you need/want company for Christmas and New Year? :-)
NB. Hurry back.
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