Saturday, 24 November 2007


Everyday I risk my life, crossing the road near my work to get my breakfast of xoi - a bundle of stickyvrice wrapped in newpaper with a salty dip. I probably risk my life eating it too...

I also risk my life on the back of xe om's buzzing around vietnam without a helmet on, but that's more fun.

Today I went around town, went to Lenin Park, watched the lovebirds canoodling by the lakes. Wondering to myself, whether someone somewhere is thinking of me, and then realising that they probably aren't.

I seem to be able to communicate with people, had my first vietnamese lesson today- it's not so hard really...

Starting to wonder if my life in denmark is worth going back to, whether I actually have a life to go back to. It's December next week. I seem to have no plans for christmas at all. It doesnt even feel like december its so hot. And yet when I bask in the sun people think Im insane. Here it's the "thing" to be white. As white as possible. Even all the moiturisers have special whitening properties in them! How insane is that?! Well I guess only as insane as having tanning properties in moisturisers, and using tanning beds etc...

I quite like the life here, I like having my thoughts to myself, being able to buy things I want, and being able to afford to go to beauty salons. Not that I buy much, but I could live like a princess if I wanted to.

Im just happy watching tv in bed, or wandering around the shops (which by the way are open 9-9 everyday- so convenient!) . I just keep myself to myself. Theres always people to meet if I need people, but right now Im just happy with my own company. I think thats ok. Thing is I've been so busy running around these past few weeks, I have had little time for myself, so I quite cherish the quiteness and solility of my bed bedroom and tv :) I pay enough for this apartment so I should spend time in it!

But soon I will start to go out and enjoy life. I need to get this week over with- it's been a bit traumatic for me. ..I need to figure out who the people are in my life that really care for me, and cut the ones out and stop wasting energy on the ones that don't.

I think I'm ready for a motorbike now, ready to explore on my own, although theers something about being behind the driver on a xe om, whizzing in and out of traffic, beepoing their horns at everything in their paths...quite exhillarating really...

Today whizzing along in the sunshine, I felt relaxed and happy. But rather than being with a stranger, just wished I was with someone I loved.


Doc Nielsen said...

well, i think of you... more than you'd guess, and often enough to stop by here and read your latest post, or to check for new comments.
If and when you finally get back to denmark, i'm buying the coffee ;)

Anonymous said...

Im thinking of you a lot. Just cant show you, as you know. Our lives have moved in different directions though it wasnt my intention. Hope you find your way and it sounds like things are going in the right direction.