Saturday, 12 January 2008

Alone in the world

Now I've done it. Today i'm feeling quite alone, wondering if I have done the right thing. I don't have a job, a home, stable friends or anyone that knows me or cares for me. Very scary.

Off to Halong Bay today, so won't be here for a few days now- unless of course I happen upon an internet cafe on my travels...

On Halong Bay on a junk, and kayaking with 2 aussies I met in Hanoi- Charlotte and Ben and then they come back to Hanoi on sunday and I stay in a local hotel Huy Hoang guest house, in halong city, where my Vietnamese friend Ha will meet me on Monday night with another friend of hers and we will go to a wedding on tuesday- culture!!! The hotel is costing 30dk a night (3 quid) So I'm expecting cockroaches, but Ha says her local friend helped her find it and it has a tv and aircon and hot water- so all the basics then :) Then we will get a local bus back to Hanoi. So I am doing both the touristy thing AND the local thing :)

Trying to stay brave and keep going, even though sometimes it feels like I am falling down a deep well.


Anonymous said...

You're not alone in feeling alone.
We're all alone, some just choose to be alone together.
If you ever get back, look me up.

Mitch Doan said...
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