I saw Piet who is supposed to be my best mate and all he said was theres your stuff. No hugs no welcome home, that was it. Made me cry. The guy was ill but still, Ive been away 6 months!
So the guy stayed for a cup of tea then left, all very pleasant, got on well.. and then the next day, he deletes me from facebook and says he doesnt want to speak to me anymore as he has fallen for me and fears it will hurt too much! How strange! I mean I was jetlagged so even if I had interest I wouldnt have known that day!
The next day I was supposed to see Kasper but he didnt bother calling so the salesman comes over, someone I used to indirectly work with. Hes been chatting me up over the internet for a while, saying he wants to have kids and stuff. Ive been giving him a hardtime really because I know he is friends with idiots and I tell him my hearts in Australia, which it is.
So he comes over we go for a walk on the beach, have a great day and then he leaves. Says he´ll see me at my party.
The party: not many turn up but a few people who I adore (picture is me and my friend Mie) did which was good. Many people said they would but didnt, The Salesman calls to ask for directions, doesnt arrive in an hour and when I sms to find out what happened turns out hes in another bar. How rude.Wont be talking to him again.
Denmark is cold and the people are cold. I realise now that its not me, Im not expecting too much, Im just in the wrong place. I need to be back in Australia with like minded people and those that care about me and treat me the way I need to be treated. I know now more than ever where I belong, where I am happy and I dont feel put out or disrespected in the least. I have to find my way home to Australia.
Have a few hurdles to get over first. I wanted to put my flat on the market before I went but then bf said not to. Now the markets have changed and nothing is selling. I have only 3 months rent left and then I am fucked. I havent got money for food and I havent got a job. My friend says I should go on the dole here.. something I have never ever done. I would rather find a job. Maybe I can rent out again if I cant sell and move to Australia. Australia to me holds a better life, better people and more chance of the happiness I have been looking for.
In the words of the rolling stones: I gotta get outta this place if its the last thing I ever do....
Hi Angel
I Just stumbled over your blog today. Very entertaining stories, thank you for sharing them.
It's sad to hear that you have such shallow "friends" in dk. And on the positive side, they have made your choice to move much easier :-)
I live in Copenhagen myself, and also find it challenging to build good friendships here. Most of my real friends are still the ones from childhood in Jylland.
So look forward, and remember that the only constant in life is change.
Best Regards
Sorry I couldnt be there for you.
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