So Apartment is clean, and empty, cases packed, Helle comes to take the cats tomrrow, and I fly at ridiculous O clock away from Denmark.
Goodbye Denmark, I will miss you, especially in the summertime when the sun is out and people are happy. I wont miss the people, although some rare people I have met have showed me kindness.
Goodbye Christian, I loved you with all my heart, but I couldnt be what you needed me to be.
Goodbye baby cats, I looked after you as much as I could, I hope you find a new home with people who love you as much as I did.
Goodbye friends, who made my life in Denmark that little bit easier; little brother Piet, Mie with her lovely cakes and my Danish mother Marianne. Marianne you will always be my mother in Denmark, and I hope you and the family will stay in touch and come visit. I have really appreciated the support you gave me when no one else was there, I will miss you. Friends like Doc, who supported me from afar and was nerdy when I needed him to be. Tim, a new friend who I will still miss, and hope to see him again one day.
Goodbye apartment, you sheltered me and kept me safe when I was broken and wounded from my divorce, you have always been light and bright and I enjoyed my time in you.
So now its time to move on, and find out where my new life should start. The last time I started my life over again I built up a nest and hoped to share it with someone special. I made mistakes and lost my security and myself. This time I will find a job and hold onto it, I will definitely not date anyone I work with as I need a job to hold onto. I will have more fun outside rather than bury myself in my nest, and I will do all those things I have been saving to do with someone special, because someone special may not exist and thats a life wasted. Most of all I will not rely on a man to make decisions or take his opinion as truth, because no one knows the truth better than me and I just need to develop the confidence to believe that.
Now to face my achilles heel; the parents......
Picture is me in the park on friday
I wish you a good luck in your new adventure.
We have not been close but if were in DK i would have helped you in anyway i can.
Best wishes
Good luck Angel :-)
And my best wishes to you for your future.
I hope you will find peace in mind and find what you are looking for.
But remember that if you look for the same thing over and over, you will get the same result.
Try and look differently in your seek and perhaps love will find its way to you.
I hope so you deserve a good life
Bye bye
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