Thursday, 27 November 2008


First of all to the Americans out there reading, happy thanksgiving.

Christmas is a weird time for me. Having no family makes it a very lonely time and being involved with anothers family accentuates that feeling, however involved they make you feel.

Thinking back to this time last year, losing a baby, christmas with christian, and how loney I felt though all of that; no christmas presents or any love or sympathy from dear christian...

I therefore give thanks for Luke, for making me feel special and loved outside of holidays. I give thanks for Marianne, who makes me feel like someone cares outside of a boy-girl relationship. I give thanks for the people around me who give me strength, especially you, my blog readers who have supported me through some of the toughest times in my life.

This year was all about finding myself, as I wrote last year. Well Im not entirely sure I have completed that task, but I have almost found a new place in the world. And thats a start.

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