Luke is lovely but I really dont have the stamina to keep up with going out a lot as you do at that age. His friends all talk about school still and I really just dont fit in.
I miss dating someone who is at the same stage of life as me, who wants kids soon, and who understands my aches and pains. I am old.
What I need now is not a boyfriend but a husband and Im not sure Luke is quite up to that.
Jamen, så må du komme hjem til Danmark.....til mig ;-)
Somewhere in the world is Mr. Right.
Just don't mistake him for Mr. Right Now.
If Luke is the one, wouldn't you know it by now? Do you know it already, and just need to get the idea settled?
I've been going through plenty of Ms Right Now, but i've yet to find Ms Right.
Don't give up yet. See where the world takes you, and enjoy the ride.
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