Monday, 13 July 2009

Someone like me

It takes a lot to love someone like me. Therefore a hat must be taken off to a man that actually tries and stays at it. Luke is a rock, and I should be greateful and further more happy that he actually wants to love me. I have therfore stopped entertaining the idea of another man and started focusing my energy on luke. He may not be perfect but he loves me and that should be enough. Men come and men go, but luke has thus far proved his longevity. If I havent learned anything by all this blogging I should remember the guys that just want to use me dont stay around long. Love is different things to different people.


Doc Nielsen said...

Good call, hon.
Hang in there!

Krest Nisso said...

Thumbs up!

Behind Blue Eyes said...

Good luck Angel...

But please dont say all men, would leave you, i would never have left you that is for sure..

My best wishes for you and your future..

Anonymous said...

Missing you....

Angel said...

Who are you, Anonymous and Behind Blue Eyes ??

Steve said...

Hi Angel,

It's a shame that people hide behind names like Anonymous and Behind Blue Eyes.

I never have understood people like them.


( Been on holiday so will read up shortly, hope you are well. x x )