Monday, 5 January 2009

If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off

Pmsing again. boobs hurt, mood sucks am exhausted. Thinking about injecting b12 into my butt...

New years is a horrible time.. too much contemplation and thinking of all the things you could have / should have done.

I dont like the person I am right now. Im slipping backwards. gotta start work soon, maybe that will help with my confidence levels...


Anonymous said...

Well you look good as always

Anonymous said...

The could have list is and always will be there, even if you did it all there would still be something on the list. Should have is slightly different, but not always best. Look back at the good bits, think of the bad bits, but live for the future.

I hope that the future holds a lot for you, whether that be job, friendship, marriage, or just about anything else you could want. You can never put behind you everything you want, sometimes it would be great if you could, but it is all there to help you make a better place & person for the times ahead.

I'm babbling so just ignore me lol, look after yourself and make the most of what you have sweetheart and make your future what you want.
